The Beta Nu chapter of Tau Beta Sigma at Arkansas Tech University–founded in 1985–is a collection of musicians and band members who are dedicated to advancing women in music, bettering our community, serving bands in the area, and upholding our sisterly bond through our joint love of music.

Beta Nu News

The FORTE Project
For March, Beta Nu will be reflecting on the quality "5. Cultivation and maintenance of your emotional poise under all conditions;" We all go through situations where we must work hard to keep our composure. What aspects of yourself could you change to be a more emotionally poised individual? Join Beta Nu this month in maintaining our pose with the hashtag #theFORTEproject

Spring Trash Pick-Up
Beta Nu has plenty of fun this weekend cleaning up our 1-mile stretch of highway for Adopt-a-Highway

Second Degree
We were very honored to usher this year's membership class of Spring '17 through the second degree of our organization. That are all wonderful individuals, and we can't wait to see them grow throughout the rest of this process.
Spring 2017
Membership Candidates